Termination of a pregnancy resulting from the pregnant person’s decision.
A solution to a conflict that satisfies everyone involved.
Examination of the body to find the causes of death or, in the case of a fetus, the reasons why its development stopped.
Amount of money received for a specific purpose (e.g., child benefit, parental insurance, etc.), allowance.
Birth centre
Establishment where midwives provide pregnancy monitoring and assist births.
C-section (Caesarean section)
Commonly abbreviated as C-section, medical technique in which a baby is delivered through an incision in the pregnant person’s belly.
Lower part of the uterus which is connected to the vagina. It closes during pregnancy and opens (dilates) during childbirth to let the baby out.
Staying together in the same place at the same time; in the same hospital room.
Money received to repair harm or compensate for negative consequences. Also know as “lumpsum”.
Having skills and knowledge that allow a person to take action, use judgment, and make decisions in a given situation.
Unforeseen events or health problems that cause treatment, recovery or the overall medical situation to become more complex or difficult.
Consent to adoption
Decision and agreement to have one’s child entrusted to another family.
Agreement between people that sets out obligations and requirements.
Place where justice is administered.
Procedure consisting of cleaning the uterus using an instrument.
Permission to leave a healthcare facility, approved and signed by a doctor.
Disciplinary council
Committee responsible for receiving complaints filed with a professional order and assessing if it warrants disciplinary action.
Action of treating a person differently or unfairly because of a personal characteristic such as skin colour, religion, gender or disability.
Health professional who evaluates and treats health problems. Pregnancy and childbirth may be managed by an obstetrician or family physician who is trained to do so.
Domestic violence
Violence experienced in the context of an intimate and emotional relationship between two people. Domestic violence can continue to occur after the couple separates.
Person who has received training to provide non-medical support during pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy or bereavement.
Medical intervention used to control pain by injecting medication into the lower back during a vaginal delivery or c-section.
A cut at the bottom of the vagina that is made when it is necessary to speed up the delivery of the baby.
Observation of the body to assess a person’s health status.
Action that is in violation of the law, offence.
Fetal monitoring
Technique used to record the contractions of the mother’s uterus and the fetus’s heartbeat.
Developmental stage of a human being between the 10th week of pregnancy and birth.
Amount of money to be paid to the State as a punishment for breaking a rule.
Grasping instruments used to hold the baby’s head to help its exit during childbirth, in cases where the baby’s exit must be accelerated or assisted.
Free consent
Explicit agreement given by one person to another about an action, without feeling pressured, forced or afraid.
Funeral options
Choice of how to dispose of the body of a deceased person.
Gender identity
Gender to which a person feels they belong. Gender corresponds to the internal and individual feeling of being female, male, neither both or otherwise.
Repeating acts of verbal, physical or psychological violence against a person.
Informed decision
A decision is informed if the person understands the situation and has received accurate, complete and clear information about the possible choices.
Intended parent
The person or couple who decide to have a baby and make plans to do so, even though they can’t carry it themselves.
Medical technique in which a fluid is injected through a vein to hydrate or administer medication.
Health professional who evaluates and treats health problems. Pregnancy and childbirth may be managed by an obstetrician or family physician who is trained to do so.
Health professional trained to provide all necessary care and services during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, whether at home, a birth centre or a hospital.
Spontaneous termination of a pregnancy.
Professional who advises on laws and rights and draws up legal documents such as contracts and wills.
Notice of default
Formal notice or official document which explains to a person or an organization what you are accusing them of and what they can do to resolve the situation to avoid legal action.
Obstetric and gynecological violence
Disrespectful attitude or inappropriate gesture or action taken without the person’s consent during an intimate examination, pregnancy monitoring, childbirth or postpartum.
Originating application
Document presenting the facts and leading to legal proceedings and its desired results.
Parental project
When a person or couple decides to have a baby and makes plans to do so, even though they cannot carry it themselves.
Person close to the pregnant person and who is directly involved in the pregnancy because they are the spouse or a sexual or intimate partner.
Set of muscles located between the pubis and anus and which support the bladder, vagina, and rectum.
Physical and psychological integrity
State of a person who has all of their body parts and has not suffered any significant damage to their physical, psychological or emotional health.
Physical therapy
Health science that aims to recover physical abilities lost due to injury, illness, pregnancy or childbirth.
A temporary organ that forms in the uterus during pregnancy to provide nourishment and oxygen to the fetus. The placenta detaches from the uterus and is expelled after the baby is born.
Abnormal increase in blood pressure that causes the pregnant person’s organs to malfunction and can harm the unborn baby.
Professional order
Organization responsible for protecting the public by monitoring the quality of certain professional services and their compliance with established rules.
Public healthcare system
All healthcare establishments that are funded by the Quebec government: hospitals, CLSCs, birth centres, etc.
A legal procedure that consists of summoning a person before a court to obtain recognition of the infringement of a right and compensation for damages suffered.
Censure, reproach.
Reprisals or negative consequences suffered by someone who defended their rights.
Rules that explain what is mandatory, permitted, and prohibited in a society.
Salaried employee
Person whose main work income is a salary paid by an employer (company or enterprise).
Placing a naked baby directly on the skin of the mother’s, father’s, other parent’s, or significant other’s chest.
Specialized nurse practitioner in primary care
Health care professional who can provide advanced care, including pregnancy follow up.
When a person agrees to carry a baby for another person or couple who cannot have a child.
Termination of pregnancy
Pregnancy which ends with an outcome other than birth, including miscarriage or abortion.
Transvaginal ultrasound
Ultrasound performed by inserting a special probe into the vagina.
The final stage of a legal proceeding in which a judge hears the arguments of those involved and decides based on the law and the facts presented.
Tribunal administratif du travail
Tribunal where justice is administered over labour-related disputes.
Person responsible for receiving and processing complaints filed with a professional order.
Technique used to capture real-time images of the inside of the body through the skin.
Association of persons who defend their professional rights and interests.
Suction instrument used on the baby’s head to help its exit during childbirth, in cases where the baby’s exit must be accelerated or assisted.
Action or behaviour that uses physical or psychological force to control or harm a person.
Virtual tour
Visiting a place remotely, using photos or videos that are viewed on a computer or mobile electronic device.
Person who saw or heard something.