Description of
the right

The healthcare environment must encourage and support skin-to-skin contact and cohabitation with the baby, as these are recognized as the best care practices.

You must be informed and one of the parents must consent to any care given to your baby.

In the event of an emergency, your right to be with the baby at all times may be limited (eg.: if the baby needs resuscitation care or to go the he operating room). However, parental consent remains obligatory before your child can be taken and treated.

Several examples of situations

  • As long as the baby’s life or health is not at risk, you have the right to skin-to-skin contact with the baby from the moment they are born, whether by vaginal delivery or C-section. You can keep your baby with you for as long as you want.
  • You can be with your baby at all times, even if you share your room with other people.
  • The father or other parent can stay and sleep at the birthplace overnight. There is no legal requirement to provide a bed, but most establishments will try to ensure a certain level of comfort.



Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms: section 39

Act respecting social services and health services: sections 5, 7, 8, 9 and 11

Civil Code of Quebec: sections 10, 11, 12 and 14